Meet Canary7
Canary7 - Your Go-To Solution for 3PL Warehouse Management Challenges

Reliable, Robust 3PL Solutions; Now at your service.

Meet Canary7
Canary7 - Your Go-To Solution for 3PL Warehouse Management Challenges

Reliable, Robust 3PL Solutions; Now at your service.

Navigating 3PL challenges is not always an easy task – in fact, the nature of 3PL challenges can often be so complex that they take up all your time, effort, and resources. However, the good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way! Canary7 is a warehouse management system that integrates cutting-edge technology in your warehouse, making it the perfect asset for you to rely on in terms of overcoming warehouse management problems.

Designed by 3PL professionals for 3PL professionals, Canary7 has just the right features needed to make your business more capable of dealing with 3PL challenges. With the help of Canary7, the multi-layered, multi-faceted 3PL world becomes considerably more straightforward to deal with, which means you get a better shot at dominating the industry and impressing customers with your third party logistics services. 

By valuing efficiency and productivity, Canary7 is focused towards making your warehouse the best version of itself. Our features cater to speeding up your processes in a way that facilitates fast deliveries and hence boosts customer satisfaction and retention. Not only that, but by fostering productivity and growth, which is paired with ease-of-use and seamless connectivity, Canary7 makes your warehouse a hub of impeccable fulfilment and therefore, a promising place to work at for your employees as well. 

It’s true – there are countless 3PL warehouse management challenges that must be tackled by 3PLs if they are planning to create a proper fulfilment framework. However, with Canary7, these challenges become a walk in the park. 

Are you ready to dramatically simplify 3PL challenges for your business? 

Then join us!

3PL Warehouse Management Challenges

Since running a 3PL is a complicated business, there are many 3PL warehouse management problems and challenges that you will have to face in order to ensure your success. The key thing to remember is that none of these 3PL challenges should be daunting to you, considering that Canary7 has a solution for each one of them.

Poor end-to-end visibility

Lack of visibility is one of the most common, recurring warehouse challenges that you may have to deal with as a 3PL business. Essentially, lack of visibility means that you are out of touch with your warehouse activity – you don’t know what’s going on within your warehouse/fulfilment centre, and hence are unaware of any problems that may cause the fulfilment process to bottleneck. It also means that you are not in control of your processes, which is likely to make it even harder for you to make the changes needed to ensure efficiency within the warehouse. All of this can cause the number of 3PL warehouse management challenges you need to deal with to increase. 

Last-mile logistics problems

Last-mile logistics problem is another one of 3PL warehouse management challenges that can give warehouse managers and 3PL business-owners a tough time. “Last mile” refers to the final step of the fulfilment operation, i.e. the delivery. In simple words, the last-mile logistics problem is that shipping is expensive, and yet, customers expect free delivery. A good old paradox that it is, it is enough to cause 3PLs to worry about their operations as a whole. There are many aspects that feed into the last-mile logistics problem, such as failed deliveries, poor tracking, lack of transparency, unpredictable transit complications, and lack of a proper, holistic delivery infrastructure. 

The Covid-19 pandemic made it even harder for businesses to manage the last-mile problem. This is because it came with the need for urgency – people wanted their Covid-19 lockdown supplies, and they needed them fast. What this resulted in was a pressure to speed up existing shipment procedures, and ensure that each aspect of last-mile logistics was seamless and aligned with the needs of the customer. This pressure has existed way beyond the lockdowns and Covid-19 chaos, and has left 3PLs grappling to adjust to the “new normal.” With most warehouses still relying on outdated delivery tools and technologies, the 3PL industry, for the most part, is still behind in the race in terms of ensuring the last-mile logistics are at par with needs of the modern post-covid customer.

Lack of scalability

No matter what the current size of your business is, all 3PL businesses want to grow. Unfortunately, scalability forms one of the most common 3PL warehouse management challenges, and therefore deserves your full attention. Scalability is impossible to achieve without a logistical framework, and a logistical framework, in today’s world, is entirely dependent on cutting-edge 3PL software solutions. If 3PL businesses keep using paper-based systems, scalability will remain one of the most difficult 3PL warehouse management challenges. This is because for scalability and growth, you need to prove to your existing customers that you are cut out for the race. This will involve a display of efficiency and productivity, which cannot be done with paper-based systems. 

Scalability is increasingly becoming a problem as the world grows more interconnected. Because it is possible for end users to place their orders from all over the world, it means that businesses have to make it possible for themselves to ship all over the world as well. Third party logistics are complicated as it is, and with this element of globalisation added to the picture, 3PLs can really get a run for their money if they are planning to grow their business and get more customers on board. This, needless to say, is easier said than done and will require a lot of effort from a 3PL’s end.

High expectations

In general, customers of the 21st century display considerably more sophisticated in terms of their consumer behaviour, and hence have higher expectations that you must successfully tackle if you are planning to work towards long-lasting success as a 3PL. Some things that customers expect from businesses in 2022 include but are not limited to are: seamless cross-channel shopping, great environmental and social consciousness, technology-driven shopping experiences, fast and free shipping, and of course: flexible payments. Keep in mind that this is a exhaustive list – actually the extent of customer demands in 2022 is non-exhaustive and is likely to place even more requirements and responsibilities on business. 

Speed is one of the greatest demands of the customer and bringing speed to the centre of your processes proves to be one of the most worrying 3PL warehouse management challenges. Customers today expect their order to be in their hands within 24 hours, and even though it is not possible, they want you to make it possible. Hence, the stakes are quite high in this area which can cause 3PLs some very major concerns. Any errors, defects, or mistakes can manifest into major setbacks, causing great delays and even greater dissatisfaction. This makes it crushingly difficult to satisfy the needs of the customer. However, if you are planning to stay in business for good then you must figure out a way to do it.

Workforce management

It is true that your workforce is your most important asset and with the right people on board, your 3PL experience can easily be improved in the best possible way. However, the main problem is that dealing with employees is not a piece of cake for any business, let alone a 3PL business that has to simultaneously tackle hundreds of 3PL challenges on a daily basis. Whether you have a big team or a small one, ensuring that task delegation is aligned with the overall goals and KPIs you have in place for the success of your business can prove to be tricky. 

What’s more is that at times, it can be very hard to keep the morale of your employees high enough for them to actively participate in the warehouse activity taking place within a 3PL framework. Needless to say, working in a 3PL warehouse is not always easy and when having to deal with one problem after another, it is very likely that your employees may feel like they are not cut out for the job. Low employee morale will slow down processes and cause delays that 3PLs can simply not control. In essence, your employees empower the rest of your processes as well, so you can simply not afford for them to be disengaged from their jobs!

3PL Warehouse Management Solutions by Canary7

Do these 3PL challenges seem overwhelming to you? We get you – 3PL warehouse management challenges can prove to be the hardest to deal with. However, you don’t have to let them take a toll on you. The various 3PL warehouse management challenges that need to be tackled daily push you towards making a strategy for your warehouse activity, and relying on profitable software solutions like those offered by Canary7.

1. 360 degrees of visibility.

With Canary7, you simply don’t have to worry about fostering visibility in the warehouse any longer. This is because our solutions will do that for you automatically. Your fulfilment process, from start to finish, will be within your control. From tracking your inventory to being updated of the products location throughout the shipping procedure, Canary7 makes it as easy as a breeze for you to take care of your orders. Once you get your hands on Canary7, there is no going back – you are in complete control of your warehouse. 

With the help of our visibility features, you can further ensure that any mistakes that become a part of the picture can be tackled by you easily and on time. Anything that goes wrong will be instantly identified by you, and you will be able to ensure that a functional solution to the problem is figured out before it costs you time and money. If you are looking for early problem detection then visibility is important, and for that, Canary7 is important.

3pl warehouse management challenges -360 degrees of visibility
3pl warehouse management challenges -Efficiency, efficiency… and more efficiency

2. Efficiency, efficiency… and more efficiency.

Speed is an important value to integrate into your 3PL business if you want your customers to truly know what you are capable of. This is why Canary7 caters to the goal of instilling speed in every possible aspect of the supply chain that you possibly can. Whether it’s your inventory, your orders, your employees, your warehouse, or the front-end elements of your 3PL business, Canary7 understands the importance of providing you with just the right support to facilitate the introduction of efficiency to your business. 

Make your inventory and warehouse processes seamless. Empower your workforce to do their job in a much better way. Gain complete control of your warehouse and the order processing that goes on inside it – and then watch your business evolve to new heights of success. Your customers want speed? Then join hands with Canary7 and let them have lightning-fast deliveries!

3. Scalability-friendly functionalities.

Nothing should hold you back from your growth – let alone a software that you pay for and expect to be a profitable investment to the framework of your business. This is precisely why Canary7 has scalability-friendly functionalities. No matter what the nature of your current processes is, Canary7 will step in and improve them in ways that make them a better fit for your scalability and growth goals. With such support, you will be able to get more and more clients with no effort whatsoever!

Expanding your business also means adopting a multi-channel sales model for some businesses, which is why Canary7 is an adaptable and flexible solution that can accommodate your requirements for different channels. Want to take orders from a marketplace? Want to set up a separate shop for your products? With Canary7, there is no limit imposed on you – do whatever you want and let us be there for you to ensure that everything goes well. We are truly a warehouse management system that grows with you, and we are not afraid to show it.

3pl warehouse management challenges -Scalability-friendly functionalities
3pl warehouse management challenges - A customer-centered approach

4. A customer-centred approach.

Your customers matter to you and you matter to us. So, we provide you with features that will help you impress your customers, and in doing so, we hope to impress you! It’s really quite simple. A customer-centred approach will help you relay to your customers and clients that your ultimate aim is to be there for them. Even if sometimes you cannot satisfy all their expectations, just conveying to them that your services are adaptable and are focused towards providing them with the perfect experience will help you gain a soft spot with them which will further equip you in the best manner in terms of dealing with 3PL warehouse management challenges!

Remember – if your customers make you happy, don’t be afraid to show it. Here at Canary7, we are always a message away to help you through your problems and we know that you appreciate it, which is why we also enable you to do the same for your customers by providing you with just the right technological resources to do so.

5. Gamification for employees.

Your workforce is the backbone of your business, right? We get that – so we go out of the way to make our solutions not only easy, but also fun for your warehouse staff to use. With a gamification approach, even the toughest of 3PL challenges can turn easy for your employees. The intuitive interface we have, paired with the unique approach of gamification, you will see a noticeable boost in employee morale and hence witness your business grow in every possible way.

Canary7 is the most seamless way to not only increase productivity, but also to ensure that the employees remain properly engaged and take initiative in improving the business. If all your employees become apart of the revolution Canary7 brings to the door, there is nothing that can stop your business overcoming even the worst of 3PL warehouse management challenges and coming out the other end as an industry leader.

3pl warehouse management challenges -Gamification for employees

Advantages of a 3PL warehouse management system

If you are still not sure whether Canary7’s 3PL warehouse management system should be a part of the picture, here are a few reasons why it definitely deserves to be considered an integral part of your warehouse management success strategy.

Provides you with unparalleled automation

Gone are the days when a business, especially a 3PL service provider, could just wing it with manual systems and paper-based processes. In order to remain at par with the 3PL industry in modern times, you need to familiarise yourself with as much automation as possible. Without the help of a warehouse management system like Canary7, it can be hard to achieve this kind of automation. Canary7 brings to the table astounding technology that takes over, removes the burden off of your shoulders, and instead allows you and your team to focus on other core issues. 

Helps you outsmart competitors

As a 3PL, it is very important to make sure that you are outsmarting your competitors. However, to do this, you need to put your best foot forward and create a proper strategy filled with ways to get in the lead. With the Canary7 3PL warehouse management system, it becomes easier to do this. Not only do you have enough time to actually strategize the trajectory of your business, but our solutions also allow you to enable the same technology and tactics your competition is using, but in much better ways. This way, you can make sure that you are meeting industry standards and at the same time, going the extra mile to leave your competitors behind. 

Makes your employees more productive

The fact that so many 3PLs just neglect the well-being of their staff is astounding! It is important to keep in mind that 3PL processes are wholly labour-extensive, which means that you really depend on your workforce when it comes to ensuring the perfection with which multiple processes within the supply chain are executed. Therefore, the well-being of your workers should be your number one priority. Luckily, by implementing our solutions at your warehouse, you give your workers the opportunity to step back and take a breather. This way, you are giving them a means to boost their productivity and make it easier for them to pay more attention to and put more effort into their work. 

Future-proof your success

You’d be surprised to know the sheer number of businesses who start off strong as 3PLs, but as they move into the future, they stagger and eventually fail. This is because they fail to take steps that make their 3PL activity sustainable over a long period of time. You’d be happy to know that the only step that you need to take in order to make sure that your success as a 3PL is future-proof is bringing Canary7 into the picture. Canary7 enables you to make sustainable choices for your business, expand in all the right ways, and genuinely see your business grow without boundaries and borders. This is the only way you can create the perfect future-proof success plan, which is why we can promise you that Canary7 offers the partnership that you desperately need. 

Strike the right balance 

Because Canary7 is the perfect warehouse management system, it allows you to strike the right balance between all the departments of your business. Whether it is your inventory or your labour, Canary7 provides you with 3PL solutions that can help you deal with all of these and make them better. This way, you can ensure that every single part of your business is profitable. With the help of such a holistic approach, you can strike the right balance and take all departments of your business towards success without neglecting any one area. For 3PLs whose ultimate goal is to grow and break into different markets all over the world, this is very important and hence Canary7 proves to be an asset that they must invest in. 

Top Solutions for All Your Warehouse Management Problems

With the help of Canary7, you can overcome not only one or two 3PL problems, but all of the 3PL warehouse management challenges that you may have to tackle during your journey towards success. 

Want to be a part of the warehousing revolution? Start by booking a free demo!

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